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An essay on the meaning of art

Published under category: Ordering Custom Papers | 2015-02-18 16:48:15 UTC

Context: Art

Buy custom essay on art here on this custom assignment writing website. We have reliable writers for your art paper. People appreciate works of art mainly for their aesthetics, without considering the other aspects that pieces of art seek to portray. A work of art is a precious thing as a result of the meaning that it conveys and its time aspect. A work of art carries a time aspect as it is derived from the things that occur in the world. A work of art is also a communicative tool, and not merely a symbol of beauty. The value given to a work of art should, therefore, not merely be based on its beauty but its content and antiquity. Artists draw from their environment to construct a piece of art. An artist has to conceive an idea and then come up with a concrete form that will be sensuous to his audience. A piece of art has to evoke emotions in the audience as a result of unified combination of idea and form, to the extent that a particular concrete meaning can be obtained from a piece of art. Hegel observes that although works of art are universal, they must have subjectivity and particularity in themselves. An artist constructs a form that harbors a universal message although there is some specificity in it. The author can address the idea that he/she is conveying in the piece of art. A work of art is grounded in a particular tradition. The beauty of the piece of art lies in the tradition from which it draws its association. As observed by Foster, a work of art gets its ground or support from the memory it evokes of a tradition. Art is a transformation of tradition in order to activate memory on trivial subjects. ORDER PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER


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